First Award

The rules:
1. Take your award here *checked*
2. Put the logo on your post *checked*
3. Link the person who awarded you *checked*
4. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers *checked*
5. Add the links of those bloggers on yours *checked*
6. Leave a message for your nominees *checked*
Thanks Cris! This really made my day...or night when I was reading the post.
7 Bloggers: (because I don't really know that many people and most of the well known ones were given the award already)
1. Huei Yin (My best friend! in the whole wide world. Head over to her blog for some awesome art and thought provoking but megaly cool ideas)
I can't think of anymore... I want to give it back to Cris but is that allowed? And I was going to give it to Nikki and SongLing too but they've got it as well. *sigh* I really need to go and make more blogger friends huh? (and leave more comments)
I forgot about Jenn! The lipglosseater shall get spot number 6.
6. Jenn (She's really cute! and you can tell she's one of those sincere kinda person which is really rare. I don't mind to get to know her better.)
Oh I know, I've been reading a blog written by a dog named Belle. I'm giving it to her too cause her short notes about her life are really refreshing and light :) Here you go Belle, you got spot number 7.
7. Belle the Dog (You know what they say about dogs...)
Phew, that's all folks. I gotta go take a shower. Sweating like a pig...does it sweat?
but u are pretty!
I don't think i'll tag anyone lah, since i almost always tag the few same people, and they might just boycott me for that!!! hahaha!! XD
Congrats to you too!
You deserveeee it as well
I'll do an FOTD soon with it :)
(And sorry for not commenting before :(, I was feeling too sick to blog these past few days :-/. But I'm fine now ^_^.)
Sorry for not answering for so long!;__;
I actually curled my hair with a straightening iron, it really easy!♥
Yup, I'll review the powder brush as soon as I give it a good wash haha. Right now, it stinks!
I'd love to swap with you :D, but I don't have that many things left :(. Still, the 'Click here if you'd like to swap with me!' link on the right side of my blog links to my Make-Up Alley account - if you like anything you see there, let me know ;).
thanks for ur sweet comment :p
omg, I love the bagggs u have down there!!! which one did you finaly bought then? :D