An update of my life:
- Moving back to parent's house cause no more $$ which means they're going to rent out the house they bought for me.
- Starting from December, I can't buy anymore skincare/cosmetics/toiletries unless I have ran out of them. I have now 2 cupboards full of new skincare/cosmetics/toiletries. Need to start saving up for my business.
- Ken is now back in China. T.T Hate him. Grr. Oh well, at least he gave me lots of money to keep me occupied.
- I'm now trying to organize all my (two room full) stuff into one room. GAH! I have so many stuff that it's not funny.
- I got my first order for my business!! Yay. I can't wait to show you guys what I have made.
- Seriously, what's with all the unused skincare/cosmetics/toiletries lying around in my room. Goal to myself: STOP BUYING and START USING!
- I want a kitten... A Teacup Persian. But Persians are really prone to medical ailments so it's gonna be really expensive to take care of one.
That's it for now. After posting this up, I'm going to write more beauty reviews.